What Our Partners Have To Say About High Speed Migration

In the data center, speed is everything. The challenge is to look ahead and know what you must be prepared to deliver and chart the most expedient and flexible course forward. That’s why High Speed Migration is important to data center managers. In this video blog, some members of our PartnerPRO Network explain how data center managers should prepare for the increased demand on bandwidth.

If you know the movie “ Top Gun”, then you should be familiar with, “I feel the need…the need for speed!

It’s one of the signature lines from that movie. Speed is important to pilots and data center managers. With the announcement last week introducing our High Speed Migration platform, CommScope assists data center managers with building faster, more agile, high-density migration plans. Simply put, speed is important to the network in so many ways.

Data center managers need to quickly grow their data centers’ capacity and CommScope’s platform provides a long-term strategy for supporting higher speeds and emerging applications.

But don’t take our word for it. Listen to what some members of our PartnerPRO Network said about what High Speed Migration means to them and the importance of speed.