SYSTIMAX® Application Assurance

Critical meets confident

As migration to faster data center applications accelerates, most optical link budgets are shrinking. How can you ensure your new channel designs will deliver the attenuation performance to support your applications? SYSTIMAX Application Assurance from CommScope provides the design capabilities and performance guarantees you need to migrate with confidence.

Using the SYSTIMAX Fiber Performance Calculator, you can quickly and easily calculate maximum attenuation performance for a proposed SYSTIMAX cabling channel, know which applications the channel will support, and receive CommScope’s guarantee of support—in writing. Total confidence. *See for conditions and details.

The best fiber test equipment meets the most advanced link loss calculator

In a one-of-a-kind partnership between CommScope and Fluke Networks, the technology behind the SYSTIMAX Fiber Performance Calculator has been integrated into the latest releases of Fluke Networks CertiFiber Pro® OLTS and LinkWare Live cloud service.

Both provide loss targets for common SYSTIMAX channel configurations across a wide range of applications. Installers can test total channel loss and confirm application support in one easy step.

Read more in the recent CommScope press release.

“CommScope’s approach to calculating channel loss and ensuring support for various applications is a significant contribution to the industry. We’re pleased to be the first testing vendor to automate this capability and make it more practical for the large base of SYSTIMAX fiber customers.” - Fluke Networks

Fiber Performance Calculator V2.0
Fiber Performance Calculator Tutorial
Voir la vidéo
SYSTIMAX Application Assurance: High speed application support – guaranteed
Voir la vidéo
Testing Strategies for SYSTIMAX High Speed Migration Solutions

Learn more about various testing strategies for SYSTIMAX High Speed Migration solutions.

Guide pour concevoir de meilleures applications SYSTIMAX

CommScope propose plusieurs outils qui simplifient la conception, le déploiement et l’expansion continue afin de prendre en charge la migration haut débit de la connectivité optique dans les data centers.

Guide de configuration à très faible perte SYSTIMAX

Guide de configuration à très faible perte SYSTIMAX pour une migration haut débit.

CommScope Network Infrastructure System 25 Year Extended Product Warranty

Details regarding the CommScope Network Infrastructure System 25 year extended product warranty and application assurance.

6 Steps to Building Your Data Center of the Future

CommScope’s Application Assurance pledges your SYSTIMAX solutions will meet or exceed published specs, support current and future application, last for at least the next 25 years, be replaced or fixed at no cost to you.

Modal Decomposition Modeling – la technologie derrière le câblage SYSTIMAX

Le câblage en cuivre à paires torsadées reste la base de construction des réseaux d’entreprise. Pour relever les défis liés à garantie d'une prise en charge de vitesses plus élevées et de performances de pointe, CommScope Labs a créé l’outil Modal Decomposition Modeling.