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  • EMEA

FIST® GC02 Flat Fiber Optic Splice Closure

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Features and Benefits
The generic closure FIST-GCO2-F is a compact version of CommScope’s standard FIST-GCO2 closure. Like the FIST-GCO2-B, the FIST-GCO2-F is an environmentally sealed enclosure for the FIST fiber management system allowing splicing and passive component integration in the external network. The product can be tailored to almost any required configuration by adding splicing and/or passive device sub-assemblies. The FIST-GCO2-F has provision for all cable termination and sealing requirements.

The closure is a single-ended design made of a thermoplastic material. The base and dome are sealed with a clamp (or latches) and an O-ring system.

The cable seals are manufactured from heat-shrinkable or gel material. The UMS (Universal Mounting System) profiles provide the foundation for mounting combinations of SOSA2 (Splicing Only Sub-Assembly) and/or SASA2 (Splitter Array Sub-Assembly) modules, which consist of a modular groove plate and trays.

The generic closure FIST-GCO2 is offered in 2 sizes:

279/150 mm base diameter and 384 mm long with 16 unit UMS (universal mounting system) profiles

279/150mm base diameter and 432 mm long with 24 unit UMS (universal mounting system) profiles

Key features for the FIST-GCO2-F closures:

Single-ended design
  • Base and dome sealed with latches and O-ring system
  • Bases available with 6 round ports (drop cables) and 1 oval port (looped cables) or 8 round ports
  • Single-sided UMS (Universal Mounting System) frame provides foundation for mounting combinations of SOSA2 (splice only sub-assembly) and/or FSASA2 (field-installable splitter array sub-assembly) modules, which consist of a modular grooveplate and trays
  • Compatible with most common cable types: e.g. loose tube, central core, ribbon fiber
  • Uncut fibers can be stored in trays
  • Mounting ears available as part of the dome
  • Well-suited for use in combination with heat shrink or multi-out gel seals
  • Closures can be used in aerial, pedestal and underground (up to 5 meters waterhead) environments

Product Classification

Regional Availability EMEA
Product Type Single-ended, rectangular fiber closure
Product Brand FIST®
Product Series FIST-GCO2

General Specifications

Cable Sealing Type Gel kit (optional) | Heat shrink
Closure Sealing Type Base and dome sealed with latches and O-ring system
Closure Style Single-ended
Color Black
Mounting Pole | Strand | Wall
Network Area Type Distribution
Splice Tray Included, quantity 0
Splice Tray Type Included No trays
Splicing Type, Supported Mass fusion | Single fusion

Material Specifications

Material Type Impact-resistant polymer

Environmental Specifications

Environmental Space Below ground | Buried
Qualification Standards IEC 61300, 5 m waterhead

Regulatory Compliance/Certifications

Agency Classification
ISO 9001:2015 Designed, manufactured and/or distributed under this quality management system

Product Classification

Regional Availability EMEA
Product Type Single-ended, rectangular fiber closure
Product Brand FIST®
Product Series FIST-GCO2

General Specifications

Cable Sealing Type Gel kit (optional) | Heat shrink
Closure Sealing Type Base and dome sealed with latches and O-ring system
Closure Style Single-ended
Color Black
Mounting Pole | Strand | Wall
Network Area Type Distribution
Splice Tray Included, quantity 0
Splice Tray Type Included No trays
Splicing Type, Supported Mass fusion | Single fusion

Material Specifications

Material Type Impact-resistant polymer

Environmental Specifications

Environmental Space Below ground | Buried
Qualification Standards IEC 61300, 5 m waterhead

Regulatory Compliance/Certifications

Agency Classification
ISO 9001:2015 Designed, manufactured and/or distributed under this quality management system