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  • Available in:
  • Australia/New Zealand
  • EMEA

LSA-PLUS® Modules for Backmount frame and Profil mounting

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Features and Benefits
For decades, LSA-PLUS has been synonymous with
  • Security
  • Reliability
  • Quality
  • Economic efficiency

As a pioneer in quick connection techniques, CommScope set the benchmark more than 30 years ago with the invention of LSA-PLUS. Today, we are still the technological front-runner when it comes to secure, quick and reliable connections in telecommunications networks.

LSA-PLUS stands for a technically and economically superior quick connection technique for all modern communications networks. The LSA-PLUS connection technology ensures a high level of contact reliability over decades even under the most difficult of environmental and climatic conditions. The LSA-PLUS portfolio is continuously adjusted to the increasing requirements for telecommunications networks in the 21st century. Thanks to the comprehensive LSA-PLUS portfolio, an individual network tailored to special requirements can be realized. Depending on the requirement, it is possible to choose between:

LSA-PLUSSeries 10
LSA-PLUSSeries 2

Product Classification

Regional Availability Australia/New Zealand | EMEA
Product Type Connection module | Disconnection module | Earth module | Protection magazine | Switching module
Product Series LSA-PLUS | LSA-PLUS HD180 | LSA-PLUS Series 2

Environmental Specifications

Environmental Space Indoor/Outdoor

Product Classification

Regional Availability Australia/New Zealand | EMEA
Product Type Connection module | Disconnection module | Earth module | Protection magazine | Switching module
Product Series LSA-PLUS | LSA-PLUS HD180 | LSA-PLUS Series 2

Environmental Specifications

Environmental Space Indoor/Outdoor